Does it work for Teams, too?

Does it work for teams too?

Whilst Outside Partner Coaching focuses on helping individuals reach their goals through one-on-one development, I also offer a couple of effective programmes for group settings:


Outside Partner ‘Stammtisch’

'Stammtisch' is not easy to translate. It is a German word describing a 'table or group of regulars'. Historically, local dignitaries met in the pub of smaller towns and villages at a certain time every week to have political and philosophical discussions. Village life and local relationships were managed by these tight-knit groups. Today the term is still used referring to places of social interaction, generally for small communities with a common interest and networking groups in the modern sense. 

Outside Partner Stammtisch(e) are cohorts of peers from different parts of an organisation or collaborating businesses who commit to developing each other by taking part in facilitated group coaching and development sessions over the course of a year. Programmes can be structured according to client requirements. A typical cohort spends a day together every other month and meets for a lunch-and-learn or virtual sessions in the intervening month. Participants learn about the principles of coaching and coach each other through live scenarios. This is complemented by exposure to a variety of development frameworks as well as debate on current business and market issues.

Creating a Coaching Culture is a frequent item on the HR agenda these days. In addition to taking larger groups of people through a coaching programme in a cost-effective way, an Outside Partner Stammtisch can have a multiplying effect when participants start using their learnt and practiced techniques by adopting a coaching approach with their own teams. Although the adoption of a coaching style by line managers can never be the same as using professional coaches, due to the difference in time available and nature of the relationship, overall capability development within the organisation is significantly enhanced as a result.


From here...

The Outside Partner Story ‘Strictly Boardroom’

Have you ever wondered about the connection between ballroom dancing and every-day working life? No? Intrigued? Then why not consider arranging a ‘Strictly Boardroom’ session?

To manage expectations, 'Strictly Boardroom' is not about glamorous TV stars, World Champions or Olympic Medals. It is my story – a story about how lessons learnt at work have helped me develop a personal passion late in life. 

In a light-hearted way, it highlights key organisational and personal development principles whilst entertaining with insights into the colourful world of ballroom dancing. Sessions can be structured to be predominantly presentation style or include individual and team exercises as part of a development event.

Janine - prize v2

To there!

For a solution to your current needs or just an exploratory chat contact us by emailing or call on +44 (0) 7976 345737